Budget Calculator

Know your numbers!

Knowing how much you spend daily can change the way you live your life! We each can easily loose track of our spending. Use the below calculator to see how much you spend so you can start to understand your personal picture of financial health!

Budget Calculator

Your Expenses

Include all your monthly bills.
This includes meal plan, groceries, eating out and snacks
This includes residence, electricity, mobile phone, internet and rent
This includes doctor fees, dentist fees, eye care, hair stylist and personal care
This includes going out, movies, concerts and travel
This includes purchases, cleaning and repair
This includes personal loan and credit cards
This includes charity and church
This includes memberships, postage, health club, gifts for friends and families
This includes hair care, body care, facial care
This includes bus, train, car, oil, insurance, licensing, maintenance

Your Income and Contributions


Other Resources

LifeWise offers diverse resources for you to use on your financial journey. Look through our options below to find helpful tips and tools to support your financial goals.  

View additional websites and other helpful links.

Use our lending calculator to understand how much interest you will accrue with your loan.